08月17日讯 骑士球员、瞎话新赛阿迪达斯品牌代言人米切尔的板米不够必更中国行已经停止。
其中使命职员提问道 :
米切尔回覆 :
没错,对于老例赛来说 ,于季我愿望咱们能坚持上赛季的后赛节奏,咱们(上赛季老例赛)打出过良多卓越的展现知足证实自己展现 ,但当季后赛到来的季势进步时候 ,我需要去成为那个抉择角逐的瞎话新赛人 ,成为咱们想要成为的球队 ,不论是分区决赛仍是总决赛 ,咱们的目的都是比上赛季更进一步,以是咱们不会把角逐当成儿戏,咱们会竭尽起劲 。
最近两年我也蒙受了一些总体层面的下场 ,搜罗我在全部职业生涯中还未能突破第二轮,以是我的目的便是要不断地让自己变患上更强 ,而且最终赢患上总冠军 。
每一总体想要抵达目的的此岸,都确定要履历良多的挣扎与挑战 ,但对于我自己以及我身旁蓄势待发的队友来说,咱们势必会证实自己。
Q :As we all know, You’ve got some good grades in the regular season last season, maybe also you're not satisfied with your playoff season, so uh do you have already set some goals for your regular season game or playoff for next season?
A:Yeah, you know to repeat the same regular season, you know we did a lot of good things, you know when the playoffs comes that time you know it is that time to be that guy and be that team you wanna be, you know whether it's conference finals, finals, you know that's what we side our side, so we're not trying to go prankingless.
You know I've personally had some trouble the past two years, or pass my whole career really but getting out of the second round, so that's the goal you know just continue to build and win a championship.
You gotta go through some struggles to get there but you know for myself and for the group you know who were ready, we gotta got their proof.